Capture Large Maps
The following is the process to save on our hard drive an image capture from satellite or street of our city that is shown in Google Maps either to print it or to charge it to our GPS application of moving map (types of GPS navigators). Procedure for the Firefox web browser extension for Firefox Screengrab with a text editor. ((((steps to follow: 1) accesses Screengrab page and install the extension (you will have to restart Firefox) 2) accesses and searches for the zone of the planet that you want to capture (GPS Navigator and its use), by adjusting the zoom and choosing view (map, satellite or terrain) mode 3) click on the link link with this page’s top right 4) copy complete the bottom HTML((, which is marked as paste HTML to embed in website 5) open your favorite text editor, and then paste the code HTML 6) modifies the values of width and height of this HTML (use of GPS navigators). They will be the values of width and height, in pixels, of the image that you captures, and respectively and will be measured around the selected point. 7) Save this file as mapagoogle.html 8) closes the text editor and open the HTML file you just created with Firefox (Menu file > open file). If the dimensions of the map are very large (GPS navigators), surely the browser take some to open it. Check that it has completed loading scrolling with side and bottom bar. ((9) Accesses Screengrab, by clicking on the yellow icon on the bottom right of Firefox, and select Save > Complete Page/Iframe 10) save it, choosing a name, and the format is PNG and ready! Original author and source of the article.