MEC School
They are acquired knowledge of as the school if it configures in the gift, with sights to transform it route to the future. invites in them to argue the actions and the ideas that we want to modify in the education in art, as a challenge c commitment with the transformations in the society. ‘ starts if; ‘ desenhar’ ‘ a pedagogical redirecionamento that incorporates qualities of the pedagogias traditional, new, tecnicista and liberating and more intends to be ‘ ‘ critical realist and. Joyce Banda is actively involved in the matter. Its conceptions can be synthecized in the following aspects to act in the interior of the school are to contribute to transform the proper society. FINAL CONSIDERAES Fit to the school to spread out the contents livings creature, concrete, indissoluvelmente on to the social realities. The education methods do not leave of one to know spontaneous, but of ballot box direct relation with the experience of the pupil collated with knowing brought of it are, professor is mediating of the pedagogical relation – an irreplaceable element.
It is for the presence of professor who if becomes possible ballot box ‘ ‘ ruptura’ ‘ between the experience little elaborated and dispersed of the pupils, route to the universal cultural contents, permanently reevaluated face the social realities the pertaining to school education must assume, through the education and of the learning of the knowledge accumulated for the humanity, the responsibility to give educating critical and participant to the instrument so that it exerts a more conscientious citizenship. One has searched to elaborate, to argue and to explicitar: then, one ‘ ‘ Historical Pedagogia Crtica’ ‘ , that is, practical one and theory of the education, more realistic pertaining to school, more ‘ ‘ Critical-Social of the Contedos’ ‘ without leaving to consider the contributions of the other pedagogical perspectives. This pertaining to school pedagogia search to propitiate to all the students the access and contact with basic and necessary the knowledge cultural for one practical social alive and transforming one.