Politics and Corruption

Juazeiro: more one hundred years of mesmice politics and corruption? ' ' What it has of rotten in the kingdom of the Denmark? ' ' Certain made, such investigation was raised and becomes present in one of the most important workmanships of brilliant dramaturgo English William Shakespeare, in Hamlet. The…

Brazil: Politics and Media

Brazil has a long description of ' ' inverdades' ' , ' ' jeitinhos' ' , ' ' Facts questionveis' ' e, in occasions special, some facts that only can be defined as ' ' brazen canalhices come from the fire of the hell tupiniquim' '. This, practically, is part…

Public Politics

In this direction, the objective of this article is to demonstrate to the importance and anecessidade of the implantation of articulated micron-management of the resources of meioambiente, pautada in the communitarian participation and the systematization of the EducaoAmbiental. quarrel of the Environment never was a toatual subject. During years scientists…

Christian Politics

How much the influence of the Christianity in the politics, the concern of Maquiavel is properly practical and not theoretician. Its consideraes are made of the point of view of the function politics of the religion. In this Maquiavel scope it does not penetrate in the land of the theological…

National Congress Project

It imagines to delegate to the Fernandinho Beiramar the attribution so that it presents a law project to fight the traffic in Brazil. Inconceivable. Now, it imagines if it is possible to wait that representatives conceive and present project and reach a common denominator of consensus regarding reform truily coherent…

Public Politics

It evidences the necessity of the efetivao of Politics Public, that can not only guarantee quality of life and social equality for all the children and for a layer of children of the society. In its article 5, the ECA brings: No child or adolescent will be object of any…

History Politics

The workmanship the Prince, written in 1513 (in 2013 it will complete 500 years) for the founder of science modern politics, Nicholas Maquiavel, who became celebrates when demonstrating a monarchic model in its apogee, still serving such writings as present Lorenzo II of Mdici, where espcide of manual tells in…

Market Group

For important distributor of high turnover of sales and how much market share occupied by the production – it is essentially immaterial. Therefore, manufacturers who care quality representation, market share, etc., went towards the creation of its exclusive brand teams on the basis of a distributor or through the creation…

Fuzzi Logic

The shelves in the refrigerator can be made of plastic, metal or glass. The last option is most comfortable – the shelves of tempered glass very sturdy, easy to clean and does not interfere with browse. In addition, glass shelves look more elegant, and can be highly gruzoustoychivostyu (25 kg)…

Especially Quot

Paveletskaya: the court in the Moscow October 12, 2010, Tuesday in this harsh country, each earning a living as you can. Some people earn and the bread and butter, and some – even with the caviar. Unfortunately, our society is firmly entrenched stereotype of a traffic cop, bribe-takers, famously waving…