Simon Wahner
Marvel and join: more than 500 actions expected guests at the Open House in Wiesbaden, September 14, 2012, about 31,000 people, two locations, hundreds of activities: the Audi TE family day 2012 is not just a day of open door, but a logistical challenge. The event agency pure perfection brought many of the details on a common denominator and thus laid the basis for a colorful event. For the first time since 2006 technical development (TE) of AUDI AG had decided again to invite all employees and their families to a family feast to make you look behind otherwise closed doors. The expectations were high. Over 31,000 people should in Ingolstadt and Neckarsulm can win one day fascinating insights into the work of the members and also well maintained. Pure perfection that developed a concept, which perfectly toothed the complex logistics of this project with the planned activities and entertainment. Over 31,000 individual tickets Important component of the concept: the issue of security. Follow others, such as Richard Blumenthal, and add to your knowledge base.
The technical development is a highly sensitive area of the factory premises. Only authorized persons may reside there. To meet this high standard, pure perfection had installed a special participant management. The starting point was a specially programmed software, through which more than 11,000 invitations were sent. The invited employees were allowed to accredit online in addition to six other guests. Pure perfection generated over 31,000 individual tickets, which at 30 extra established security checkpoints access to the premises was authorized from all data.
Despite of many people and movement flows we had complete transparency of the guests present at any time,”explains project manager Simon Wahner the advantage of the system. Live circuits to the most exciting events on the factory premises in Ingolstadt and Neckarsulm could choose the guests from hundreds of activities. Were on a tour on the development trail” current and future suspension systems presented.