
Who to want to call this ' ' popular crendice that chame' ' I prefer to call mental delay, idiotice and cultural illness. There I ask myself, if people whom they do not know to vote, and do not speak only of that they are hipnotizadas and without action ahead…

Economic Crisis

The grippe suna is a mutation, that occurs between three vrusgripais, of the aviria grippe, human being and proper suna. The H1N1, specifically, already is raising a species of Curtain of Iron around of Mexico, ondeaparentemente everything appeared. However, the media comes presenting false information and data on the illness,…

One Government

The wage campaigns of important sectors, traditionally more organized, already had started and they together with lode again the fear of the Government with the readjustments above of the inflation. Since the passed semester, authorities, as the minister Guido Mantega, already had signaled for the necessity to contain increases that…

Hierarchy And Disciplines

Now, more than never, it is fashion to protest. Grupinho with bands in the hands does not import for which side one is going and there this goes or that citizen ' ' esclarecido' ' , as one was behind an electric trio to prove that it did not die.…

National Democratic Party

Such old president who if prepares to organize a dinstica succession, passing the torch the power its son, attributes only the heading to the president. It was debtor to yield, in fact, to the reins for its vice-president, former-head of intelligence, Omar Suleiman. It opened the climate of negotiations for…

Popular Assembly

A people as the Brazilian has that to make right in its participativa politics. He can be in the creation of popular assemblies pra to choose its representatives, either by means of the free vote, as in the associations of inhabitants, aboriginal and quilombos groups. With support of a new…

Federal Constitution

What it is the Senate of the Republic? Quias is its attributions given for the Constitution Federal.Roberto Ramalho is Lawyer, Pblicas Relations and Jornalista.O Federal Senate is considered the Senate of the National Congress of Brazil. According to historians, were created together with the first constitution of the Empire, granted…

Frenchman Process

Safford does not emphasize possible conflicts of classroom permeando the process of assembly of the Modern States because for it the criollos had dominated the institutionalization process. It detaches the fact of that many of the fights and tensions had occurred in the interior of this social group, involving personal,…

Parties Politicians

Thus, under the coordination of the Civil House of the Presidency of the Republic, was elaborated the draft of a Project of Complementary Law to institute the National Politics of Territorial Order? PNOT, that will be directed to the National Congress, for the Executive, for its transformation in a Complementary…

Chaos In The River

Everything started has a century more than behind when, after the abolition, the rejected blacks for the society do not turn alternative if not to go up the mounts, since then this if became takes refuge for that they had been excluded socially. The fact is that this community that…