Tuscany Merchants

In the 14-16 centuries, during the continuous struggle of the Italian cities for the redistribution of cards then Italian, urban communes, and Signori, the owners of the cities and castles, they sought to protect the services units that are consisted of knights, adventurers, and the remnants of various armies. (Not…

German Red Army

Strategically successful, despite their bloody battles winter 1941 near Moscow, Yelets, Rostov, Tikhvin, if not led to an environment, but at least the Germans to retreat – the apparent unwillingness of the German troops for battle in winter conditions led to an erroneous assessment of Stalin's war potential of Germany.…

Regency Law

OAK (2007:48), when deals with the position of D. Peter II? new emperor did not support the decision to abolish the slavery, being the pressure biggest of the part of the abolitionists. In 1848 the real cabinet quit with the Regency from Dom Peter II unsatisfied, which operated changes in…

The Machine

This leading classroom was proper it very, divided, and in fact it only obtained greater cohesion in these same years because certain antagonisms if had dissolved, front to a rebellious laboring classroom. Therefore, the laboring presence was, in 1832, the factor most significant of the life British politics. Thompson comments…

The Popular Front In France And Spain

In the mid 30-ies of the axis of world politics, which took place around the polarization of political forces is to strengthen fascism. By 1936 in 20 European countries, there were several tens of fascist parties and groups. Higher degree of maturity reached fascism in Italy, Germany, Portugal and Spain.…

South Ossetia

November 23, 1989 Georgia nationalists tried to rally under the pretext of the capital Tskhinvali YUOAO large-scale provocation – from all parts of Georgia, arrived here a few tens of thousands of people. However, the convoy was stopped at the entrance to Tskhinvali and after two days of confrontation turned…

Second World War

The merit of de Gaulle during the Second World War was to save the dignity of France. Military contribution to the troops who were under his command, in the outcome of the war was minor: the war in Europe in any case would have won the Soviet Union and Western…

PR Campaigns

And even now, in an age of pr campaigns, the man is hard to imagine that the entire history of Christianity could be one of the first PR-technologies, developed and launched Future Catholics. On the third hand, in our modern times is becoming less and less people, not only do…

The Language of Socrates

The book Crtilo de Plato is a workmanship that was written in sc. V B.C. and denotes the questions of what it would be the vehicle to communicate itself with the world? The language. But, as this communication must be made? How the words must be adjusted? Why the justeza…

The Kingdom

Conde of Valena) its adversaries. Portugal says, whose constitution was almost copied of ours, judged that art. That the king marks the age where he is bigger was not constitutional, and for usual law Maria II proclaimed the majority Mrs. D. To justify the act of the cameras portuguezas some…