New TV Era With IPTV!

Learn what makes IPTV. More and more customers are using IPTV to the end of the year 2008 there were according to BITKOM 536000 IPTV customers. By the end of 2009 could double this number and even tenfold by the year 2013. In a study of Detecon international, the IPTV…

ZDF And ARD Gone Wrong?

Dialogue between Germans and Iranians with fatal consequences of the claim in the West is a civilizational achievement, a value that may get us not lost to solve problems through dialogue. When dealing with representatives of the regime in the Iran, non-critical dialogues in circumstances could have disastrous consequences. In…

Smart Support

Branding in the TV must be not costly. Smart TV app will be reached with a 10 million households. Who represents his brand already stable on the Web and in the mobile market, should connect smart TVs now. The app stores are still manageable. The domestic market is fast. This…