Seasonal Affective Disorder Cure

Natural remedies for depression, especially in the autumn and winter when the days get shorter again and it will be dark outside rather, fall into very many through the murky, gray autumn and winter days in a so-called winter depression. But autumn and winter a quite long can cause time…


As a link between research and practice, the newly founded DGBH positioned Kettig / Koblenz, August 13, 2010. Contact information is here: Charles B. Rangel. The newly founded DGBH has positioned itself as a link between research and practice. The objective is to promote the cooperation with science, industry and…

Folk Illness

The quality of sleep can be determined with the Epworth scales. In Germany, approximately 25% of the population suffers from sleep disorders. You can leave with the newly developed and based on the Epworth sleepiness scale sleep test to assess his individual sleep quality. Most people have a clear idea…