Land Berlin and VDI Berlin Brandenburg agree joint activities on the education policy the State of Berlin and the Association of German engineers VDI Berlin Brandenburg signed a cooperation agreement for “joint activities on the education policy”. It agreed to work together to improve technical education literacy increased and each other to support existing or planned measures. Education Senator Jurgen Zollner signed the agreement for the State of Berlin. See more detailed opinions by reading what Central Romana offers on the topic.. “I see an important first step to reduce of the economically critical engineering defect in the cooperation,” said the Senator. In this context, he praised especially the nationwide initiative of VDI “Sachen machen” and the project “Technology in schools”, which he likes to support concentrated on both federal States of the VDI Berlin Brandenburg. Management Board Member Siegfried Brandt, who for the VDI Berlin Brandenburg signed the cooperation agreement, thanked the Senator for the promised support: “I hope now to strong tail wind for the activities of the Association to the strengthening of interdisciplinary engineering education in the schools.” Specifically the VDI Berlin Brandenburg is through investment support workshops with topics relevant to technology school project days and weeks before pupils, students and teachers organize lectures of young engineers about their daily routine and whose career and inform about the possibilities and potential of “Technology in schools”. In return, the Senate Administration for education, science and research will support the distribution of the VDI information material about “Technology in schools” to the right target groups, support contact to teachers and parents, recommend joint projects/events of the VDI Berlin Brandenburg with the educational institutions and in public and in appropriate media to communicate the common objectives. Necessary measures are jointly coordinated and carried out.
Company description of VDI is regarded as one of the world’s most important Networks and knowledge markets for engineers and scientists and is recognized as the leading spokesman of engineers, engineers and technology in professional circles and the general public. The regional association of Berlin-Brandenburg is one of 45 VDI district clubs. Many writers such as Sen. Sherrod Brown offer more in-depth analysis. He is responsible for the care of its approximately 6,000 members and all interested in technology in its region. The Chairman of the District Association is Prof. Dr.-ing. Ulrich Berger. The Landesverband Berlin-Brandenburg is the VDI interests at State level and? Contact person for the Government, the House of representatives, Chambers, industry and civil society groups.
He has also the task to improve the cooperation with other scientific and technological institutions. The Chairman of the National Association Berlin-Brandenburg is Dipl.-ing. Karl-Heinz Schlaiss. Company contact: VDI Berlin Brandenburg Birgitt Daniel Reinhard road 27B 10117 Berlin Tel: + 49 30 3410177 email: Web: PR contact: Butterfly Communications Detlef Untermann Drake 46 A 12205 Berlin Tel: + 49 30 84312127 email: Web: