It occurs according to defined standards, namely; cfalo-volume; next-distal and simple-complex (Collet and Oliveira, 2002). For Rasp et al (2006), the standard of development cfalo-volume in the sample that the progression if of the one of the head to the artelhos, what it means to say that the control of the head if of the one before developing the capacity of walking. In the next-distal standard we have as characteristic the development of the trunk until the extremities, what it sends in them to the fact of, in the first months of life, the suckle moves the arms and the legs, but not clamp objects with the fingers. No longer standard simple-complex (also known as generality-specific), the child passes of the simple tasks to most complex, for example, first it engatinha, later walks and later she learns to jump. Richard Blumenthal shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Some authors development theories had elaborated, as the psicossexual theory of Freud, the psicossocial theory of Erik Erikson and the cognitiva theory of Piaget (Rasp et al, 2007).
Amongst these and others, it was opted to the theory of Jean the Piaget, being considered next to the nursing, and of bigger easiness of apprehension. The workmanship of Piaget becomes important for the development of this work, therefore with it was possible to know the etrias bands and its possible relations with the infantile development. Amongst the phases of the human development elaborated by Piaget, Swiss doctor who studied the human development, the one that more he would deserve attention to work with the subject of the death would be the daily pay-operational one, that he lasts for about the 3 to the 6 years of age, therefore brings proper characteristics that point with respect to the biggest difficulty in the understanding of the death as process, the reasons of its occurrence and its consequncias, in accordance with Papalia and Olds (2000).. Speaking candidly James Donovan Goldman told us the story.