Children And Development
They presented difficulties in its physical development, had the empty face of expression, had sleeplessness, lacked appetite to them, did not gain weight and, to the few, they went losing interest for if relating, what she took most of the time them to the death. Thus if it affirmed that the absence of the relations you object, caused for the affective lack, withholds the development in all the sectors of the personality. When the discharge of natural aggressive impulses exists lack of the relations objects is impossible, then the baby exactly comes back the aggression toward itself, if denying to assimilate the food, if becoming victim of the sleeplessness. Later, these proper children attack itself, giving cabeadas against the hair wall, pulling out tufos, etc. Spitz described the result of the absence of the parents and the affection as determinative factor in the development with private prognostic. SHELTERED CHILDREN In intention to understand the emotional experiences of sheltered children, Careta & Motta (2007) had folloied the case of a child sheltered since just been born.
They had verified that, ahead of ansiognicas situations, the child expressed a dissociao, ademais presented amorphous behaviors, without vivacity, communicating necessity of psychological intervention. The authors had identified the strong influence of the environment in the formation and the emotional development of a child. Diverse research relates behaviors of risk with children who had lived deeply the absence materna or had had a relationship disturbed with its mothers in the first years of life. For Bowlby (1981), the development of children can leave to smile for a human face or to react when somebody plays with it, he can be inapetente or, although nourished well, he can not get fat, he can sleep badly and not demonstrate to initiative (Bowlby, 1981, p.22).