Pernambuco Pedagogia
Collaborating for the proposal of the education as recognition of the autonomy of educating, the dignity of each one, the respect to the curiosity, the taste for the aesthetic one, the inquietude and the language. This film must be seen and be argued by the educators with the objective to construct an appropriate methodology for the development of the learning in dynamic and constructive way for its pupils. 10 4 – The PEDAGOGIA OF PABLO FREIRE Pablo Freire was born in the year of 1921, in Recife, Pernambuco. Although it had formation in Right, but it discovered the vocation in the Education. It possesss some publications since the year of 2001, possessing as its first work of breath ' ' Education and the Brasileira' Present time; ' , being a dense and deep workmanship. Other workmanships had been: The Pedagogia of the Oppressed one; Awareness; Politics and Education; The Pedagogia of the Autonomy; among others. The freireana pedagogia is something radical, that if it considers to a set of techniques or small actions as: democratic exercises, dialogues, criatividades, interaction between father-pupils and professors, collective of tasks among others. Where it assists in the construction of the autonomy with responsibility, it serves for any place of the world, since that it exists oppressed and oppressing (SOUZA, 2006).
The pedagogia of Freire consists of the pedagogia of the love, where it works with the dialogue that is the matrix of the democracy. The Pedagogia of the Autonomy, for presenting a pedagogical model of practical that run away to the traditionalism and place the educator and educating as responsible agents of the learning and this beyond the function to keep history or the culture. The education must promote the autonomy of educating, the search for knowledge, for the research, the curiosity, the experience of life, the criticidade and the coherence of making of the professor.