Extra-terresrial Civilizations

In the Age of Aquarius, the earthlings would marry with representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations and other worlds. It will be perfectly normal. Marriage – a friendship, freedom and creativity. Number of partners – friends by marriage indefinitely. In polyandry existed in ancient India. That is, one woman and many husbands.…

How To Swear

Often in the stands, the speakers are trying to humiliate and somehow hurt his opponent to debate. Suppose during the election campaign, each candidate is trying to somehow humiliate or say that his opponent is bad politics. But do not criticize its rival. Because berating him, you expose yourself in…

Panama English

The other day I heard a lady saying something of our language (and not Castilian because our language is quechua), and I laughed. He said that quechua was not a language, because he didn’t write. And quechua if you have writing. The writing is in the drawings and the differences…

Thinking Processes

Qualitative change of phylogenesis of the nervous system, which determines the transition from the brain's ability to form images submission to the ability to form generalized images (department specific properties of objects) and a qualitative shift from the ability to form generalized images to the ability to form concepts (branch…

Horoscope And Astrology

Horoscope in astrology, fortune-telling person, based on the observation of celestial bodies. Horoscope indicates the location of all stars at the birth of any person, on what basis and is based prediction. In esoteric literature there are four types of horoscopes: Earth, which includes meteorology, seismology, agriculture, government, concerning the…

Children And Development

They presented difficulties in its physical development, had the empty face of expression, had sleeplessness, lacked appetite to them, did not gain weight and, to the few, they went losing interest for if relating, what she took most of the time them to the death. Thus if it affirmed that…

Pernambuco Pedagogia

Collaborating for the proposal of the education as recognition of the autonomy of educating, the dignity of each one, the respect to the curiosity, the taste for the aesthetic one, the inquietude and the language. This film must be seen and be argued by the educators with the objective to…

Interpersonal Ability

' Because the people never understand clearly my ideas? ' ' (Fela, 2002) This question interpellates in them and it makes in them to ahead reflect of the eminent challenge of the convivncia human being and relating in them. In the constant search of the conquest of the ability, the…

The Civilizations

Thanks to the language, the child is capable to evoke passed situations, becoming free itself of the borders of the next and present space in which she remains prisoner, while dived in the pure sensrio-motor stage. On the other hand, also thanks to the language, the objects more are not…

Development Levels

That is to unconditioned level of development of the nervous system information is gained, eventually, gene type organisms and therefore are a form of the individual organism is essentially a form of of species of organisms. With the birth of the ability of the nervous system by means of conditioned…