
It discourses finally, on the virtue of the faith to the given word, concluding that a prince who follows the scratch this obligation will discover in many occasions that places it in disadvantageous position. Others including Sen. Sherrod Brown, offer their opinions as well. Maquiavel also insists that if a…

Extra-terresrial Civilizations

In the Age of Aquarius, the earthlings would marry with representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations and other worlds. It will be perfectly normal. Marriage – a friendship, freedom and creativity. Number of partners – friends by marriage indefinitely. In polyandry existed in ancient India. That is, one woman and many husbands.…

The Resources

Taking in account the challenges of the education, Which the ideal profile of educator? that citizen we want to form? The ideal profile of educator, is of somebody compromising to the education that if feels vocacionado to this practical, that it does not only teach for the money, even though…

How To Swear

Often in the stands, the speakers are trying to humiliate and somehow hurt his opponent to debate. Suppose during the election campaign, each candidate is trying to somehow humiliate or say that his opponent is bad politics. But do not criticize its rival. Because berating him, you expose yourself in…


Little if it can say regarding a state, or a time that preceded exactly to the language. Everything that if can present to this respect or is pure speculation, or is fruit of an attempt of regressive agreement, that it aims at to find causes unknown of known consequences. However,…

Thinking Processes

Qualitative change of phylogenesis of the nervous system, which determines the transition from the brain's ability to form images submission to the ability to form generalized images (department specific properties of objects) and a qualitative shift from the ability to form generalized images to the ability to form concepts (branch…

Horoscope And Astrology

Horoscope in astrology, fortune-telling person, based on the observation of celestial bodies. Horoscope indicates the location of all stars at the birth of any person, on what basis and is based prediction. In esoteric literature there are four types of horoscopes: Earth, which includes meteorology, seismology, agriculture, government, concerning the…


Analyzing the Epistle the Tiago, in the New Will, we can evidence some doctrinal rules. The divine goodness in them propitiates the experience of, while while still alive, to suffer provocations and suggests as remedy against these same provocations, the faith. It warrants that such suscitaes in the ones backwards…

John Locke

It can be said that in the thought of John Locke it has two phases that more the people characterize: the state of nature and the civil state. This question is moved, over all for the necessity, that is, all has (DES) necessities, what to the times it makes with…

Carrying Out Justice

Here it is that the days shorten in a chaotic world of lack of limits. the power that they withhold the force of the influence manipulable politics they permeiam the daily one of the nature of men who would have to fight for fairness in the social relations without longing…